Rittal – Rittal is one of Germany’s top innovators for the third time in a row
Rittal has been awarded the Top 100 seal for its innovative strength and sustainability following an independent scientific selection process.
This means that the largest company in the Friedhelm Loh Group is again one of Germany’s 100 most innovative medium-sized companies for the third year in a row.
“Can companies create new products, services, processes and business opportunities? Are these achievements mere coincidences or the results of a structured and targeted approach? These are the questions we pursue at Top 100,” says innovation researcher Professor Nikolaus Franke.
He and his team have already searched for and honoured the 100 best innovators in German SMEs on behalf of compamedia, which organises the competition.
Rittal has also been awarded the renowned “Top Innovator 2024” seal of approval for its sustainable innovative strength, particularly in the areas of innovative processes and organisation, and for its market position as a sustainable innovation leader. This makes Rittal, the enclosure and systems specialist from Herborn, one of Germany’s innovation champions for the fourth time.
It focuses on how panel builders, switchgear manufacturers and the machinery sector manage change pressures and challenges related to energy transition and digital transformation. Together with its sister companies Eplan, Cideon and German Edge Cloud, Rittal thinks along the lines of its clients’ processes, consistently optimising them to create sustainable added value across the value chain.
Markus Asch, CEO of Rittal International and Chairman of the Management Board, with Philipp Guth, CTO of Rittal.
How does that fit together? By intelligently combining hardware and software.
“Innovation is our contribution to the overall success of the customer. Products and solutions alone are no longer enough to remain competitive over the long term and to follow the path to the industrial future,” Markus Asch, CEO of Rittal International and Rittal Software Systems, explains. “We are very grateful that this could be seen during the course of the study and that our company has received special recognition by being included in the Top 100.”
Rittal is one of Germany’s innovation champions for the fourth time.
About the Top 100
The innovation contest is based on a methodical selection process, which evaluates mid-sized companies in five categories based on more than 100 test criteria: innovation-friendly top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organisation, external focus, open innovation and innovation success.
Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the Top 100 seal to medium-sized companies as the only independent prize for innovation management in Germany. Since 2002, the scientific management has been in the hands of innovation researcher Professor Nikolaus Franke, founder and head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Project partners include the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW association of medium-sized businesses, while science correspondent Ranga Yogeshwar is the competition’s mentor. He will present prizes to the top innovators at the award ceremony on 28 June 2024 at the ninth German SME Summit in Weimar.
EMR Analysis
More information on The Friedhelm Loh Group: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Prof. Friedhelm Loh (Owner and Chief Executive Officer, The Friedhelm Loh Group): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Rittal: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Markus Asch (Chief Executive Officer, Rittal International and Rittal Software Systems + Chairman of the Management Board, the Friedhelm Loh Group): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Philipp Guth (Chief Technical Officer, Rittal): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Eplan: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Cideon: See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on German Edge Cloud (GEC): See the full profile on EMR Executive Services
More information on Professor Nikolaus Franke (Founder and Head, Institute, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Vienna University, Economics & Business): https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolaus-franke-23a524118/
More information on compamedia: https://www.compamedia.de/ + compamedia GmbH organises benchmarking projects for small and medium-sized enterprises. With our partners, we use objective criteria and rigorous academic research to identify the best firms in various management spheres. compamedia passionately supports these outstanding companies to help them become even better and measurably increase their value. Our main remit is to organise the projects and handle all public relations issues relating to them. compamedia has therefore long been a favourite point of contact for the media. Twenty years of expertise lie behind the TOP 100® project, but our purpose has always remained the same: to give highly innovative companies the recognition they deserve.
More information on Thomas Wörl (Chief Executive Officer, compamedia): https://www.top100.de/impressum/ + https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomaswoerl/
More information on the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vienna University, Economics & Business: https://www.wu.ac.at/en/entrep/ + Entrepreneurship is the driving force for business start-ups and innovation processes. These dynamic activities are of particular importance for the economy as a whole. New ideas can be successfully implemented by new companies, but existing organizations also have to reinvent themselves through innovations in order to be successful in international competition.
In teaching, our goal is to provide our students with first-class knowledge in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation. In doing so, we are guided by the leading international universities and business schools.
More information on Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: https://www.fraunhofer.de/en.html + The Fraunhofer Society is a German research organization with 75 institutes spread throughout Germany, each focusing on different fields of applied science.
More information on German Association of SMEs (BVMW): https://www.bvmw.de/international/ + The BVMW is a politically independent association which caters for all commercial branches and professions, and represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in politics, with administrative authorities, with trade unions and with major companies. Medium-sized businesses – around 3.3 million individual enterprises in all – are the backbone and impulse of the German economy.
Through your membership of the BVMW, you assist in strengthening the situation of small and medium-sized businesses and enable them to secure a more powerful position.
More information on Ranga Yogeshwar (Leading Science Journalists in Germany): https://yogeshwar.de/ + https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranga-yogeshwar-6421a0a0/
EMR Additional Notes:
- Panel Builder:
- A Control panel builder plays a critical role in the manufacturing and operation of various types of machinery and equipment. These skilled professionals design and build control panels that house the electrical and electronic components that control the operation of the machinery or equipment.
- A panel builder cuts electrical enclosures and mounts components. Installs panels into enclosures. Wires components on enclosures and assists wiring equipment.
- Substation:
- A power station is where the power is generated. A sub station is where power is split apart, distributed and spread further into the grid. A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system.
- Substations contain the specialist equipment that allows the voltage of electricity to be transformed (or ‘switched’). The voltage is stepped up or down through pieces of equipment called transformers, which sit within a substation’s site.
- Transformers (Distribution Transformers and Power Transformers):
- A distribution transformer is the type of transformer that performs the last voltage transformation in a distribution grid. It converts the voltage used in the transmission lines to one suitable for household and commercial use, typically down to 240 volts.
- The transformer is classified into three types based on the voltage level produced: Step down, Step up, and an isolation transformer.
- Transformers changes from high voltage to low voltage, used in homes and businesses. The main function of this is to reduce the voltage to provide isolation between the two windings as primary and secondary. This transformer distributes electricity to remote areas generated from power plants.
- While transformer stations are linked to high/medium-voltage transmission systems, electrical substations are designed to support and transform lower voltages.
- Distribution transformers always operate at a load less the rated full load. Power transformers always operate at full load. Distribution transformers are designed to give maximum efficiency at 60 to 70% of the rated load. Power transformers have maximum efficiency at full load.
- Power Transformers are used in transmission network of higher voltages for step-up and step down application (400 kV, 200 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV, 33kV) and are generally rated above 200MVA.
- Distribution Transformers are used for lower voltage distribution networks as a means to end user connectivity. (11kV, 6.6 kV, 3.3 kV, 440V, 230V) and are generally rated less than 200 MVA.
- Shunt Reactor:
- Shunt reactors (SRs) are used in high voltage energy transmission systems to control the voltage during load variations. Depending on the voltage requirement needs, shunt reactors are switched on or off to provide reactive power compensation.
- A shunt reactor is an absorber of reactive power, thus, increasing the energy efficiency of the system. It is the most compact device commonly used for reactive power compensation in long high-voltage transmission lines and in cable systems. The shunt reactor can be directly connected to the power line or to a tertiary winding of a three-winding transformer. The shunt reactor could be permanently connected or switched via a circuit breaker.
- Shunt reactor is same as power transformer but it has only one winding per phase as compared to power transformer. Shunt reactors are used to increase the power and energy system efficiency as it absorb & compensate the reactive power in cables and long high voltage transmission lines.

- Switchgears:
- Broad term that describes a wide variety of switching devices that all fulfill a common need: controlling, protecting, and isolating power systems. This definition can be extended to include devices to regulate and meter a power system, circuit breakers, and similar technology.
- Switchgear contains fuses, switches, and other power conductors. However, circuit breakers are the most common component found in switchgear.
- Performs the function of controlling and metering the flow of electrical power in addiction to acting as interrupting and switching devices that protects the equipment from damage arising out of electrical fluctuations.
- There are three types of switch gears namely LV (Low voltage), MV (Medium voltage) and HV (High voltage) Switchgear.
- Circuit Breakers:
- Mechanical electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after protective relays detect a fault.
- By definition a circuit breaker is an electrical safety device, a switch that automatically interrupts the current of an overloaded electric circuit, ground faults, or short circuits.
- Fuses:
- Single time mechanical circuit interruption in an over-current situation through fusion of a graded electrical conductor. Employed in 30KV to 100KV range.
- Electrical safety device that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current.
- ACB (Air Circuit Breakers):
- Uses air as insulating medium.
- Air circuit breaker is a circuit breaker for the purpose of protecting low voltage circuit, mainly for energizing and cutting off high current
- VCB (Vacuum Circuit Breakers):
- Vacuum is used as the means to protect circuit breakers.
- Circuit breaker where the arc quenching takes place in a vacuum medium. The operation of switching on and closing of current carrying contacts and interrelated arc interruption takes place in a vacuum chamber in the breaker which is called a vacuum interrupter.
- AIS (Air Insulated Switchgears):
- Air is used for insulation in a metal-clad system
- Secondary power distribution device and medium voltage switchgear that helps redistribute the power of a primary power distributor powered by a high voltage distribution transformer. AIS controls, protects and isolates electrical equipment in power transmission and distribution systems.
- GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgears):
- All working components assembled under SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride HV Switchgears) gas-tight casing.
- Compact metal encapsulated switchgear consisting of high-voltage components such as circuit-breakers and disconnectors, which can be safely operated in confined spaces.
- OCB (Oil Circuit Breakers):
- Vapors a portion of oil to blast a jet of oil through the arc.
- Circuit breaker which uses insulating oil as an arc quenching medium
- Hybrid Circuit Breakers:
- Combines Air-insulated and SF6 Gas-insulated technologies.
- MCB (Miniature Circuit Breakers):
- Employed in domestic households to safeguard against overload. Rated current max. 100 A.
- Electrical switch that automatically switches off the electrical circuit during an abnormal condition of the network means an overload condition as well as a faulty condition. Nowadays we use an MCB in a low-voltage electrical network instead of a fuse.
- Circuit breakers have a tripping relay mechanism, while MCB has a tripping release mechanism. Circuit breakers have a high rupturing capacity, but the MCB has a low rupturing capacity. Circuit breakers are used in High Voltage systems, while MCBs are used in Low Voltage systems.
- RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breakers):
- To safeguard against electrical shock arising out of indirect contact and includes the detection of residual current such as earth leakage.
- Current sensing device, which can automatically measure and disconnect the circuit whenever a fault occurs in the connected circuit or the current exceeds the rated sensitivity.
- MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breakers):
- Incorporates insulating material in the form of molded casing within circuit breaker. Rated current up to 2,500 A.
- MCCB has a higher interrupting capacity, meaning it can handle larger loads than a conventional breaker. Generally, a standard breaker is used for residential and light commercial applications, while an MCCB is suitable for industrial and heavy commercial applications.
- Disconnectors:
- Automatic switching device that offers specific isolating distance on the basis of specific requirements.
- Disconnectors (also known as Isolators) are devices which are generally operated off-load to provide isolation of main plant items for maintenance, or to isolate faulted equipment from other live equipment.
- Contactors:
- Works alike high-current switching systems but at higher voltage rates. Contactors can however not be utilized as disconnecting switches. Contactors are employed in 30KV to 100KV range.
- Special type of relay used for switching an electrical circuit on or off.
- Electrical device that is widely used for switching circuits on and off. As such, electrical contactors form a subcategory of electromagnetic switches known as relays. A relay is an electrically operated switching device that uses an electromagnetic coil to open and close a set of contacts.
- PTCB eFuse Circuit Breaker:
- Electronic micro fuse for DIN rail protecting electronically nominal currents below 1A to facilitate the clear detection of faults and supports precise fault localization and fast recovery. Response times are shorter compared to conventional fuse protection and the exact current value can be adjusted at any time
- RCD (Residual Current Devices):
- Sensitive safety device that switches off the electricity within 10 to 50 milliseconds if there is an electrical fault. An RCD is is designed to protect against the risks of electrocution and fire caused by earth faults.
- The difference between a circuit breaker and an RCD switch is the purpose of a circuit breaker is to protect the electrical systems and wiring in a home while the purpose of an RCD switch is to protect people from electrocution.
- RCBO (Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current):
- RCDs can protect against electric shocks, residual currents, and earth faults. On the other hand, RCBOs can do what RCDs can do and protect a circuit from short circuits and overload. RCBOs are essentially a combination of MCB and RCCB.
- An RCBO protects electrical equipment from two types of faults; residual current and over current. Residual current, or Earth leakage as it can sometimes be referred to, is when there is a break in the circuit that could be caused by faulty electrical wiring or if the wire is accidentally cut.
- Ring Main Unit (RMU):
- Medium voltage, gas-insulated, fully sealed cabinet used to measure, connect, and integrate transformer protection functions with a fixed type breaker. Ring Main Units are safe, reliable, low-maintenance, and easy to replace switchgear.
- A ring main unit (RMU) is a factory assembled, metal enclosed set of switchgear used at the load connection points of a ring-type distribution network.
- Load Center – Panel Board – Switch Board:
- A load center is used in residential and light commercial applications to distribute electricity supplied by the utility company throughout the home or building to feed all the branch circuits. Each branch circuit is protected by the circuit breaker housed in the load center. In the event of a short circuit or an overload on a branch circuit, the circuit breaker will cut the power before any potential property damage or personal injury can occur.
- A load center provides similar functionality in a power distribution system as a switchboard and a panelboard. As far as UL and the NEC standards are concerned, there is no difference between a panelboard and a load center.
- However, Panelboards are typically deeper than load centers and can accommodate both bolt-on circuit breakers as well as plug-in breakers, whereas a load center is limited to plug-in breakers.
- Switchboards are often the typical choice for industrial establishments. These panelboards generally house circuit breakers that can manage and supply electricity for machines with high-voltage demands.
- Panelboards are only accessible from the front (as mentioned above), but switchboards allow rear access as well.

- Solid-State Circuit Breakers:
- Solid-state device, electronic device in which electricity flows through solid semiconductor crystals (silicon, gallium arsenide, germanium) rather than through vacuum tubes.
- The solid-state breaker concept replaces the traditional moving parts of an electromechanical circuit breaker with semiconductors and advanced software algorithms that control the power and can interrupt extreme currents faster than ever before.